About Online Mastery

Founded in 2013 by International Bestselling Author and Professional Speaker Steve Woody, Online Mastery has grown from a small website design business to a global educational platform.


From humble roots in London, UK. The team now spans from Canada to Macedonia and has an incredible energy when working together on projects that makes the process a pleasure for those involved. 


Having worked with prestigious institutions like Harvard University it’s understandable why so many business owners turn to Online Mastery for their strategic advice when it comes to getting the very best from their online presence.  

The Team

Steve Woody - Director Online Mastery Limited Profile Picture

Steve Woody

Business Director

Darko Dimitrovski - Team Member - Online Mastery

Darko Dimitrovski

Technical Director

Marco Manni - Team Member - Online Mastery

Marco Manni

Creative Director

Sarah Cole - Team Member - Online Mastery

Sarah Cole

Customer Manager

If you’re ambitious, take action and want your clients to have a digital experience that matches the quality of the real-world service you give them, then I hope you’ll add Online Mastery to your team.

Whether you’re a big company or a solo business owner, it is normal to feel overwhelmed about at least one aspect of your website — if not many aspects.

We are looking
for special talents?

If you like Online Mastery and you think your skills, attitude and values can match with ours, please click on the link below and tell us more about you.

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I’ve spent years figuring out how to simplify things.
No matter where your business is, you’ll find you fit into one of three phases:


The most important aspect of everything we do is the Strategy. Ensuring that you have clarity and confidence through a solid foundation so your time, money and energy will not be wasted.


For you to be successful you first need systems that work. It’s not possible to scale if you are the lynchpin. We cover everything step by step from purchasing your domain name to managing large teams.


You are not Noah, you do not have an ark and just because you built it, does not mean they will come. Effective Promotion takes hard work, lots or analytics and split testing to ensure your message converts.

“As the world changes we are constantly reviewing everything in our business, EXCEPT our core values. These are embedded into the fibre of who we are as a team and what we do as a company”

Our Core values:

  • Make things simple.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • Get results
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your website…

Answer these simple questions so we can
decide on the best way to guide you.

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