July 31, 2019

Introduction to WordPress

Steve Woody - Team Members - Online Mastery

Written By

Steve Woody

In this 6 part series I’ll be talking about WordPress from first look through to creating dynamic templates for your custom content.

It’s a very easy watch designed to help you understand the Framework that I build for all starting websites and the things you should consider if you are just getting started.

These are the best tools available on the market today and whilst there are thousands of options and variations – These are what we recommend at Online Mastery to achieve the best results for small business owners selling products and services.

I hope you enjoy.

Video 1 – First Look at WordPress

Video 2 – Posts and Pages

Video 3 – WordPress Themes

Video 4 – WordPress Plugins

Video 5 – Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields

Video 6 – Elementor Page Builder and Dynamic Templates

I hope you enjoyed the content and if you want to learn more you can check out the 50+ courses that we have available as part of our Online Academy

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