We all know about security and like most things its hindsight that makes us realise that we should be secure.
Most will not adopt better practice until they either suffer an attack or what is considered a “close call”.
For those that run a business you really can’t afford to wait until such a time. If you have client data stored then you also have a duty of care to ensure that this information is protected to the best of your ability.
It’s not enough these days to rely on external applications to manage your data. You need to ensure that you are adopting the best security that you can.
So what should you consider to protect your WordPress website?
Step 1 – Always ensure you have a backup
No matter what happens you need to understand that the only reason an antivirus exists is because there was first a virus and a cure was required. You will always have the potential of being hacked so ensure that you have a backup to cover any eventuality.
Step 2 – Prevention is better than the cure
I’m not telling you to become experts in cyber security but you do owe it to yourself to have a basic understanding of what you can do to protect your website
Security starts with your server, ensure that you are not on a shared server and that your framework, theme and plugins are always updated to the latest version, again ensure you backup first.
Step 3 – Install some features to help protect you
A great plugin that you can use is iThemes Security.
If you are unfortunate to have been compromised or just want to perform a health check on your website then I would consider that you look at these plugins to check your website.
If you do not want to check yourself and have been infected then you could do worse than to contact the amazing team over at Sucuri.
We recommend Sucuri for all exploits and disaster recovery. You can use their free website check here.